Well, boys and girls, its been a million a years anyway, so who cares now. Even if you married someone from Stratton Park, but had a puppy love crush on someone else before them, does it really matter now all these years later? Let's get this party started and cut the meat a little closer to the bone. Who did you have your first neighborhood crushes on, secret or otherwise? Come on, be bold and a little bit daring. Unrequited love is a painful thing. It might be a little bit embarassing, but it will also be fun and will get the old juices flowing. Anyway, most of you were raised Catholic, and we all know that confession is good for the soul, isn't it? If not, it will certainly be good for a few laughs, and maybe a few surprises. I'll start it off. Three early ones come to mind for me.
Jeannie Murphy from kindergarten, Mary White from grammar school, and Pam Werner from my building. Kathleen Kelly and Florie Werner don't you tell on me!